Flower. Power of Dreams. 2014
HUMAN SITES sohn+isaksen
Galleri Image, Aarhus, Denmark
A site-specific photo installation about flowers, plants and growth.
The title of the project refers to the growth and transforming potentiality of flowers and plants and creates an analogy to the fragmentary and powerful energy of dreams.
The exhibition was designed as a journey through three tableaux: Knopskydning / Budding, Hjemmet / Home, and Sø og Eng / Lake and Meadow.
As an integrated part of the exhibition an Artists’ Book ALBUM was created.
Power of Dreams is a superior theme for a series of artworks, which take their starting point in the universe of dreams. They deal with what is secret and disquieting, with blockades and entrenchments. The idea of the project is to visualize the displacements between dream and reality, memory and oblivion. The title of the project refers to the energy that can be found in the dream world and in the images of the subconsciousness.
Billedkunstnerne Else Ploug Isaksen og Bodil Sohn har siden 2003 arbejdet sammen i duoen HUMAN SITES sohn+isaksen. Det fotografiske medie er valgt pga. dets høje grad af objektivitet, som muliggør en nedtoning af det individuelle, så Sohn og Isaksen i samarbejdet skaber et fælles, kunstnerisk udtryk. Gennem årene har de udviklet en kunstpraksis, hvor de med en legende tilgang udfordrer fotografiets todimensionalitet. Herved udfordres oplevelsen af den troværdige ’virkelighed’, som fotografiet umiddelbart er repræsentant for, og forskydes i nye retninger, så flertydige fortolkninger sættes i spil.
The exhibition was supported by Statens Kunstfonds Projektstøtteudvalg for Billedkunst and Kulturudviklingspuljen, Aarhus Council